MOBILE APPS: Native Vs React-Native Vs Flutter


native Vs hybrid

Hello everyone,

This is my first post here on medium, being a web developer for over 3 years I thought why not try to make mobile apps surely they aren’t that hard to make I only have two platforms to cover that being android and IOS, what’s the worst that could happen I said to myself. Because web development is a lot simpler than making mobile apps, you pick a language, database and a front end framework that you like and bingo! you get started on your project but for mobile there are many ways to make apps and that’s the beauty of it.

Well the worst happened, because there are 3 ways of hmm. how should I says to “DEVELOP” mobile apps available right now, that being making native apps using java and swift for android and IOS respectively and then there is the hybrid or should I say cross-platform of making apps but there are also two ways to make hybrid apps (there are many but we are only discussing about the top 2 right now) that being Flutter and React-Native, well both are great platforms or technologies whichever you may call it and it’s great to work with them. In the next part of this article I will continue my story of how I made apps using all three and my experience and whatnot that I learned by making apps.



Syed Umair Ali
Syed Umair Ali

Written by Syed Umair Ali


Web Dev | Mobile Dev | Life-long learner| Open Source lover

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